

[設定手順] UnFriendSpyをインストール後に表示されるメッセージ。
You currently have 721 friends. Since you’ve installed this app, you’ve had 722 unique friends. Since you’ve installed this app, nobody has unfriended you. Come back often to see if anyone changed their mind! 🙂 Tip: Bookmark UnFriendSpy below for quick access! *Please note that if a Facebook user deactivates his Facebook account or if you unfriend them they will also appear above.
You currently have 721 friends. Since you’ve installed this app, you’ve had 722 unique friends. 1 Facebook user is no longer friends with you (0 hidden):  All (including hidden) As of 2011-07-17 Picture N/A Facebook ID: 10xxxxxxxx3 Hide Tip: Bookmark UnFriendSpy below for quick access! *Please note that if a Facebook user deactivates his Facebook account or if you unfriend them they will also appear above. 



You currently have 720 friends. Since you’ve installed this app, you’ve had 722 unique friends. 2 Facebook users are no longer friends with you (1 hidden): View All (including hidden) As of 2011-07-17 Kxxxo Sxxxxxi Facebook ID: 1xxxxxxx1 Hide Tip: Bookmark UnFriendSpy below for quick access! *Please note that if a Facebook user deactivates his Facebook account or if you unfriend them they will also appear ab


開発者 David Azoulay
基本データへのアクセス あなたの名前、プロフィール写真、性別、ネットワーク、ユーザーID、友達リスト、その他あなたがすべてのユーザーに公開している情報へのアクセスを許可します。